
Conflict Poetry

  • CONFLICT (Book One)

    1st Edition published April 2019

    2nd Edition due out in summer 2024

    Conflict burns. Its flames consume all in its path, leaving behind a trail of carnage. Whether it be internal or external, a temporary or permanent state. Its effects are far-reaching. Conflict is all around us.

    A collection of conflict poems tackling some hard-hitting issues facing individuals and society as a whole. The first in the Conflict poetry book series. Covering both internal and external conflicts such as war/fighting, environmental issues, inequality, poverty, death, physical illness, mental health, self-harm, addiction, domestic violence, sexual abuse, sexting, grooming, trafficking and literary conflicts.

    Whilst this book is aimed at older children and adults, it can be used as a resource by schools (KS2, KS3 & KS4) and parents to encourage age-appropriate discussions. It is an ideal introduction to conflict poetry for KS3/KS4 students, to help with their conflict poetry module in GCSE English.

  • LEST WE FORGET (Book Two)

    Due out in late 2024

    The blood-red sun sets over the land. Cloaking all its secrets in shadow. It weeps for those who live no more. Snuffed out by the mindlessness of war. Was it worth all the bloodshed? Was it worth all the pain? Was it worth the ultimate sacrifice? To never see home again.

    A collection of war poems covering many different aspects of war. The second in the Conflict poetry book series. Covering WW1, WW2, more recent conflicts and the role both men and women have played.

    Whilst this book is aimed at older children and adults, it can be used as a resource by schools (KS2, KS3 & KS4) and parents to encourage age-appropriate discussions. It is an ideal introduction to war poetry for KS2/KS3/KS4 students, to help with their War/WW2 topic and GCSE History and English.

I Don’t Want To

  • I DON’T WANT TO GO TO BED (Book One)

    Due out in summer 2024

    I don’t want to go to bed. I’m not tired, I’m still hungry, I need another drink. I’m scared, I feel really sick, I’ve missed you, I need to tell you something. Do I have to go to bed?

    A fun and humorous collection of poems about bedtime. The first in the ‘I Don’t Want To’ children’s poetry book series. Avoiding going to bed, story time, teddies, sleepovers, not wanting to get up and lots more. For anyone who dislikes bedtime (both children and parents alike).

    These poems are a hit with children, as they are about something they can really relate to – bedtime and how to avoid it! They inspire children’s imagination and creativity. Allowing them to feel free to explore and write their own poetry. They are also popular with adults and teachers alike.

    FUTURE TITLES IN THE SERIES: I Don’t Want To Eat That, I Don’t Want To Go to School